We had some breakfast and it was time for our jump. Not gonna lie, I was nervous. They let us inside a capsule on a bridge and the instructor gave us some steps and things to follow. All harnessed, I was slowly guided towards the edge, and man oh man I was scared and excited. It was kind of an out-of-the-body experience. 3 2 1 jump the bungee master yelled and I took the jump.
Now what? I asked myself. It was all over and too quickly. They started pulling me up and I was excited to see my friend jump next. After the jump, we ate some food and also met our school friend who is from kushma.
We had to ride a long way back home to Kathmandu so without any delay we left . We were so sleepy at one point that we had to stop our motorbike and take a short nap on the way. Never do a long trip on bajaj NS 200 because the seat is a pain in the ass. And to make things worse, the headlight gave up and we had to buy a torch and I sat behind panning the torch on the road and guide my friend on the highway at night. By 8 pm at night, we reached home.
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